When I am having a bad day, I head to the garden.

“Pulling weeds is calming to me, a sense of accomplishment, a state of Zen.” – Tara

Tara Spenrath started gardening at Canmore Community Garden when it first opened, June 21, 2011. She recalls the immense amount of hard work and hours it took to build the garden, which included applying for grants, surveying the community to get the go-a-head, and then the construction of the garden (fence, plots, building the shed etc…) Which took a surplus of 600 pooled hours amongst the members. Tara’s 8 year commitment to the garden is fueled with passion. Her favorite crop is yellow beans and of course every hippies favorite food, kale. Tara has planted her plot non-traditionally by using a method called art planting, because not only does it display beautifully, it aids in keeping the crops alternating each year. Her gardening tips would be to not be afraid to get dirt under your finger nails and that you have to put in a lot of effort with gardening, if you take the time necessary, you can create and abundance of food. Its important to understand where our food comes from, by connecting the process of garden to table. Tara has a fun attitude towards gardening that is conducive to a creative and experimental gardening technique, that has provided her with learning in what works and what doesn’t. Be sure to check out her art planting method. (Her plot is now in full bloom, on the west side of the garden. You can identify it by the art method) Tara is always kicking around the garden, doing the extra: pulling weeds and watering. Thanks for all your extra efforts. We see you. Thanks Tara!


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