Community Garden Water Strategy:

Water is the first consideration in any garden, landscape or ecosystem.  In our garden, our water access is limited and in an effort to be as resource-efficient as possible, we must be wise and mindful of our water use. Water is stored in our…

GLog and Greenhouse Assembly!

The GLog is now in the green box in the garden.  Green notebook titled Garden Log …you’ll notice different sections –  “daily tasks” i’ll try to keep a running list of what needs doing, but feel free to add to this if you notice…

Communal Gardening!

For those of you who haven’t seen the garden in the last day or two, it has been green-washed !  On saturday we transplanted the seedlings that had been started for us by Club Green at the high school which gives us a great…

Now Accepting Applications!

Canmore Community Gardening is delighted to invite you to participate in the first season of the Community Garden located north of the hospital at 1100 Hospital Place! Applications due June 14th, 2011(short notice, we know, but we want to get gardening as soon as…

Fence is Up!

An amazing crew of people clocked over 200 volunteer hours last weekend to build our fence and lay out the garden!  We now have a beautiful, deer-proof, bunny-proof, indeed monster-proof fence in which to plant our veggies!  Come check it out! More to come…

Time to Build our Garden!

Work Party Schedule for first 3 Weekends in June: Please consider how you are able to be involved and RSVP to so we know how many hands will be on deck for each session! Come ready to work! bring sturdy shoes, gloves, water, weather appropriate…

Invitation from HighLine Magazine! Join us on June 9!

Hello! You are invited to the following event: “Know Your Neighbour” Night Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Jun 09, 2011 at 7:00 PM toJun 10, 2011 at 12:00 AM (MT) Canmore Miner’s Union Hall738 7 StreetCanmore, Alberta T1W…

Time to Build!

1) We need a truck(s) to transport the wire fencing from Calgary before June 3rd.  If you have a truck and will be in Calgary or are willing to make a trip, there are 2 rolls of 8′ x 3′ diameter.  One (and possibly…

We’re Hiring! Looking for a Garden Manager

Canmore Community Gardening Society (CCGS)The Canmore Community Gardening Society’s vision is to grow food, building community, and gardening together. Our mission is to cultivating a network of community gardens and engaging people in local food culture.Job Description: Garden ManagerWe are looking for a dynamic…

growing food…Building Community!

The community has really started to shine it’s light on this garden in the last few weeks as we have received an awesome show of support from local businesses and community members willing to pitch in what they can to make this garden grow!…