Introducing Katja

If you’ve noticed a new volunteer in the garden recently, probably sitting on the ground weeding and listening to music, or taking photos of the garden, or asking anyone else who’s there what I can do to help out, chances are it’s me.

My name is Katja and I’ll be volunteering with the Community Garden over the next 2 weeks! I’m here until June 16th helping out with this garden as well as a bit with Alpine Edibles to make up my summer service requirements for my program at Pearson College over on Vancouver Island.

IMG_6880.JPG copyLester B. Pearson United World College is a 2-year pre-university international school about an hour outside of Victoria with a strong focus on intercultural understanding, sustainability, and community-building. There, we have a herb garden and greenhouse (it generally just grows kale during the school year) but also a strong focus on the outdoors and learning outside of the classroom. So, when I was given the task of finding a place close to home to volunteer over the summer, I knew I also wanted to do something to get my hands dirty in the outdoors. I’m originally from Calgary, and as us Calgarians always say that the Rockies are just in our backyard, I figured I had the perfect excuse to come stay here.

Over the next 2 weeks, I will be helping with all sorts of tasks around the garden including watering, weeding, laying down more wood chip paths, looking into vole control, showing around visitors, and anything else that comes up. If you see me around, be sure to come over and say hi! And if you have any special projects or work in the garden that you’d like my help with, be sure to let me know! You can shoot me an email at



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